here’s what happens on the best day ever:
- i wake up at 4:30, stretch, open the windows. it’s fucking dark. that’s fine
- say hi to puppycat, give him a little stretch
- go on my phone, scroll anime twitter, scroll tumblr, peep any DMs from ln
- 5:00-6:00 gym, it’s upper body day >:)
- 6:05 bike to the tennis courts, practice serves for like a half hour. maybe play pick up if there are people around
- 7:00, feed puppycat, finish owyn vanilla protein drink, shower
- 7:30ish - go to the diner, get the scrambled eggs, turkey sausage, home fries, rye bread with butter, NO COFFEE
- 8:30, pay, leave, stand on that trigger point ball, look at email, answer time sensitive texts
- pick up things that aren’t in their place and put them away. lie down in bed (not the same way i sleep) with my arms up, i should be catching the tiniest bit of eastern sun through the sheer curtains. nap time !!!
- wake up, think about lunch for no longer than 20 minutes. lunch with a friend? SALAD SPINNER SALAD? decide on deli sandwich as last resort (turkey, provolone, lettuce, tomato, mayo, jalapeno on a roll), always always always with the zero sugar peach tea or lemonade snapple. REMEMBER TO READ THE FACTS IN THE CAP
- probably afternoon now, like 13:00 or 14:00 (or 15:00) try to read something. no stress if it doesn’t happen, still literate, still enjoy stories
- draw people and clothing, make it ugly as hell. maybe play basketball
- think about how i’m going to watch the sunset
- look at sky to try and predict what kind of sunset. prediction is irrelevant
- it’s breezy outside though, so cottons + linens + pink walking sneakers + comfy bag with things i need, might need, don’t need but feel better having anyway
- 17:00 - ok so a bit too early for sunset, but no air pods means cackles from the kids playing in the playground or in the grass. bro, what are they laughing about??? i dunno, but i was probably doing the same thing the last time i played tag or got high with a friend. it’s cute tho, i’m glad they’re having fun
- sit on an empty bench, time yourself, now do nothing but chill and look at the water. it’s the best day ever so you make it to 11minutes
- SUNSET !!!
- it’s kinda abrupt and cut off bc of r**sevelt island but that’s okay. the sun is still setting, still watching it happen
- bike back home, inspect bug bites. it’s dark and night time but it’s still lively on the sidewalks
- dinner. time spent thinking about it? not even 10mins, baybeeeeeee the meal is sandwiched between two dark chocolate double stuffed milano cookies and one ripe mango cut into cubes
- eat dinner together with puppycat, watch an episode of stone ocean
- remember how desperately i wanted a rug, thank god i didn’t buy one
- 20:00 pre-bed time !!! i’m drawing a centipede
- 21:30 in bed, cozy, the fan is running, the windows aren’t shut tight but definitely closed, puppycat is going back and forth between hanging out and finishing his dinner, i do whatever i want until i sleep :~)